Idaho Vein Center Accreditation

The Idaho Vein Center is one of the only vein centers in the region that is accredited as a vein center and as a vascular testing site. That's a big deal. 

When a facility is accredited, it helps you understand and evaluate the level of patient care you can expect to receive there, versus a facility that is not accredited. Accreditation is granted for a three-year period; this means a facility has to be audited every three years to maintain their status. The Idaho Vein Center has been accredited since 2011. 

Across the United States, Vascular Testing accreditation is becoming required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Cervices (CMS) and by numerous private insurers. This means that in some states, your insurance may not cover vascular testing from a facility that is not accredited. 

Some of the standards that an accrediting body may examine before granting accredition include:

  • Is the medical director a licensed physician with exceptional experience and training?
  • Does the medical staff have a high level of training and experience?
  • Are support services available for safe and efficient patient care?
  • Does the facility have a commitment to patient safety?